Learn How An iPhone Can Benefit You

Learn How An iPhone Can Benefit You

Many people are coveting a new iphone but are simply intimidated by all that it can do. Fortunately, articles just like this one abound online, allowing users to understand their iphone better. Continue on to the article below and learn about some neat iphone tricks.

Turn your iPhone’s brightness settings down if you want to get more out of its battery. To lower the brightness level, simply adjust your phone’s settings. Your battery will last longer using this method, which may make quite the difference in long-term use.

Based Reminders

You can now set location-based reminders through Siri. Instead of the time-based reminders, you can use location-based reminders. You can say “Siri, remind me to call work when I get home.” Then, when your iphone detects you are at home, it gives you a reminder that tells you to phone work. That way, if you are unsure of what time you will arrive home, you will still receive a reminder.

Instead of trying to remember what a webpage or email said, you can save an image from on of them. Simply touch the picture and hold for a couple seconds. You will see a box with options for the image.

You can create a unique library of shortcuts and meanings with your device. This helps the device recognize what you intend to type. You can add your own phrases or shortcuts to your iphone as well. You will receive notifications for autocorrections when typing phrases and words.

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Download an application which will help you to upload iphone files and store files on it. Upload videos, music, photos or even text-only files. The phone can be connected to a computer to retrieve the files.

Add efficiency to messaging by using this technique. If your iphone doesn’t correctly guess the word you are attempting to text, you can touch the screen anywhere to cancel the guess. The “x” icon doesn’t need to be accessed to stop a word.

When you’re browsing a website, it’s best to try scrolling with both one finger and two fingers. If the site is divided into sections, one finger allows you to easily scroll through a single section. Using two fingers allows you to scroll through the entire page.

Have you ever lost out on snapping a great photo because the camera app takes too much time to pop up? Luckily, there is a shortcut that will help to speed things up. Clicking on the home button two times will get you to this area. Then you’ll see a camera icon at the bottom right. Hitting it will instantly throw your iphone into camera mode.

As with a lot of smartphones, the iphone allows you to see a visual indication of your incoming messages and calls. If you want a notification that’s silent, but easy to notice, you can set it up so that your phone’s LED camera blinks each time a message comes in. Just access the settings menu, then to “general” and next to “accessibility.” From here, it’s easy to program your LED Flash option.

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Use your handy iphone to quickly snap a screenshot. From the targeted screen, simply depress the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously. The screen goes white, and that’s how you know you have a screenshot.

Sleep/wake Button

Do not panic if your iphone freezes. Just press the sleep/wake button and see if that resolves the situation. If it doesn’t work, press both the home button and the sleep/wake button and hold them down. This button combination will provide a hard reset prompt that should revive your phone.

Visit Facebook from your iphone. Not everyone knows yet that Facebook and other social networks are accessible from the iphone.

Set up word shortcuts on your iphone to type more efficiently. Go to settings – general – keyboard – add new shortcut. You can add shortcuts to common words and phrases you type by inputting abbreviations or acronyms. As you type the shortcuts, the words that correspond will become inserted.

After reading this article, you should a little more familiar with some of the neat functions that the iphone provides. Apply the information gained here, and you can get the most out of your device and gain a desire to learn additional tricks. The tips and tricks in the article will make you an iphone wizard.

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